Rules for posting publications, contact information

requirements for the design, content, adaptability of articles and other information materials published on the project website, their recommended format, copyright protection

 Rules for posting publications, contact information

Dear participants and guests of the project!

You can send us your articles and other publications on the main thematic areas. In addition to the main content, write a little about yourself, what is your name, your age, how long have you been doing research in the field of criminology or law enforcement, do you have any practical experience in the police services. If you are currently working on other publications and are looking for like-minded people, you can indicate this. All the specified information will be published on the page with your article in a separate block «About the Author». Also, if you want, we can place your photo and contact information.

Posting requirements:

Despite the fact that the main thing for us is the content, not the form, but for the convenience of participants and readers, the authors should adhere to a certain structure of presentation of the material. Here is an example post format:

Part 1 - description of the problem situation (Introduction)
briefly or in detail describe:
- the essence of the problem situation, which, in your opinion, requires a solution (if it is not solved at all), or a different approach to its solution;
- the relevance of the threat, at the current moment or in the future, better on specific examples;
- sources of information* (mass media, analysis of domestic or foreign experience, expert opinion, statistics, social research, etc.).
* personal opinion, if it is supported by logic, examples, albeit indirect, but facts - this is also a source.

Part 2 - current state of affairs
it is necessary to describe in detail what is currently being done (or vice versa is not being done) as a counter to the above threat, why you consider these actions to be insufficient or ineffective. For clarity, it is best to back up your arguments with examples and references to specific events.

Part 3 - proposed solution
in as much detail as possible, state your vision of the answers to the questions: «What to do?», And «How exactly should this be done?».
The most understandable and easy-to-perceive form of presenting the material in this section is a comparison, according to the principle - «it is, but it could be». For this, a method of modeling various situations is well suited. In addition, it is necessary to pay due attention to features and important details, as well as to disassemble the obvious arguments of skeptics.

Part 4 - planned result
describe what, in your opinion, the positive results that the measures you outlined in the article should lead to. Here you can specify both direct and indirect influence on the situation. You can also use a comparison, according to the principle «it was - it became».

Thematic restrictions

the Public Order and Safety project is a professional community operating within a strict thematic framework. Based on this, articles related to the discussion of such topics as: politics, economics, religion, conspiracy theories, interstate and interethnic relations are prohibited. Also, the issues of wages, service, pensions, legal and social protection of law enforcement officers are not considered.
This is a concept chosen by the team of authors of the project, and it is not discussed.

When sending materials for publication on the main site and auxiliary resources of the project, the following rules must be taken into account:

It is forbidden:
1. Insults in any form, individuals or communities, based on national, racial, religious, social, professional, political or other affiliation.
2. Extremist statements or appeals addressed to individuals, professional, social, ethnic, religious or other groups, organizations, states or their separate territories.
3. Use of profanity.
4. Politics and conspiracy theories. We do not consider political issues and do not participate in the discussion of political topics, we do not support or oppose either individual political figures or political parties, movements or other political communities. Also, articles on any other topics that do not correspond to the subject of the resource are not accepted for publication.
5. Open expression of support for ideas or organizations that are recognized as extremist or terrorist.
6. Use of quotes, photos, videos or other materials that are not the intellectual property of the author of the publication, without indicating a link to the source. When using materials that are covered by a Creative Commons license, without indicating the author and source of original storage.
7. Advertising of goods and services.
Before publication, each article is checked by editors. The editor reserves the right to refuse the author's publication if he considers that it does not comply with the rules of the project.

Adaptability of texts for translation into other languages

The Public Order and Safety project is multilingual. Each article is published in four languages: English, Chinese, Russian and German. The editorial office does not have the opportunity to involve professional translators in the work, everything is done on enthusiasm, by the editors themselves, so they have to use available machine translation systems.
In this regard, when preparing your materials for submission, try to edit the text in such a way that its meaning is not distorted by machine translation into other languages. To do this, just follow a few simple rules:
- use fewer words that have a double meaning;
- try not to use metaphors, hyperbole and figurative expressions;
- try to use fewer different kinds of proverbs, sayings and other expressions, the meaning of which is clear only to residents of a certain territory or native speakers of one language.
In some cases, two versions may be used, one for publication in English, the other (adapted) for translation.

Copyright protection

The project is an open, non-commercial electronic platform, it does not have the status of a legal entity and is not a mass media. Therefore, in case of disputable situations, the editors will not be able to act on the side of the author, in terms of protecting the copyright of his publication.
Copyright registration with notaries or specialized organizations, although a reliable procedure, is quite expensive. However, there is no less reliable (court practice confirms this), and most importantly, a much cheaper way to protect your copyrights. To do this, before sending the manuscript to the editors of the project, print it on paper, sign it (you can sew it), date it and send it by registered mail, with an inventory of the attachment, to yourself, through the federal postal operator. In addition to the manuscript, put in an envelope written by you personally, a statement that: «This postal item contains the manuscript of the article «Name», on 20 (twenty) sheets, the author of which is Surname Name Patronymic, date of birth, series and passport number . This posting is made to protect the copyright of this article. Number, signature, transcript.
Please include the following information on your mailing list:
1. Article «Title», the number of sheets (for example - on twenty sheets).
2. Copyright Statement on 1 (one sheet).
When sending by mail, you will receive a receipt with the date and a unique departure number, as well as 1 copy of the inventory certified by the postal worker. All these documents must be kept, along with a letter received a few days later, which in no case should be opened. In the event of a legal dispute, this will be done by the court, confirming that «the integrity of the packaging is not violated». The manuscript retrieved by the judge in compliance with legal procedures with the date of sending, inventory and receipt will be reliable evidence of your authorship.
For its part, the editors undertake to indicate in the text of the article information about the author, including the placement of a specialized meta tag «author», the date of receipt of the material and its publication, as well as the placement of a special sign ©.
These, albeit simple, but in the aggregate, sufficiently reliable means will be enough to protect, and, if necessary, confirm the copyright of the project participants, to their intellectual property.

To contact the editor, you can use:

public order and safety project blog
our Facebook page send your questions, articles, opinions and suggestions to the project email

Dear visitors of the website.

We inform you, that the initial text of this page has been written in the other language and has been translated to English by means of technical translation. We apologize in advance if the meaning of some words and sentences will be transmitted incorrectly due to the low-quality translation. We constantly work and do our best to improve the quality of the translation. Thank you for your understanding.

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